The Yerba Buena Community Benefit District (YBCBD) is now accepting applications for board membership.
The YBCBD Board of Directors oversees the management of the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District. The board is structured to ensure representation from all stakeholders and areas of the district. The board has a maximum of 28 members representing community organizations, residents, non-profit arts, government or education institutions, or commercial merchants. Board members include those that do and do not own property in the neighborhood.
All YBCBD board seats are held by the entity, i.e. business, organization, etc., not the individual person designated to fill the seat by the entity. In the case of the resident seat, however, the individual resident holds the seat. Entities are asked to designate a representative and an alternate to attend meetings. Alternates are not allowed for residential members. All board members and alternates are required to attend a Board Orientation and Brown Act Training between their election/appointment to the board and the next board meeting in order to have full voting privileges. Alternates attend meetings when the primary board member is unavailable. Board terms are 3 years and members may serve up to 2 consecutive 3-year terms.
The YBCBD Board of Directors meets 5-6 times a year and Directors are actively involved in the organization. All Board members are expected to serve on at least one committee and attend the Board Orientation and Brown Act Training. All applicants will be interviewed and selected candidates would begin their term of service in January 2020.
The Yerba Buena Community Benefit District is funded primarily through a special assessment paid by property owners in the district. The organization’s mission is to advance the quality of life for residents and visitors in the Yerba Buena neighborhood on an ongoing basis by fostering a safer and more secure community, enhancing environmental quality and beauty, and reinforcing the viability of the economic base. For more information about the organization, please visit www.ybcbd.org.
Next Steps
If you are interested in being considered for a board seat, please email the following information to Cathy Maupin, cmaupin@ybcbd.org, as soon as possible. Candidate interviews are expected to be scheduled in September and October.
1. Resume and bio or work history and community involvement
2. Any special skill sets relevant to the work of the YBCBD
3. Information on other community involvement/board service, etc.
4. A statement expressing your interest in serving on the YBCBD Board of Directors
5. Please indicate your type of business and if you own or rent your property.