This second edition of the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District’s Street Life Plan provides an updated vision and guide to improve our neighborhood’s public spaces in a district that evolves continuously, yet always maintains its originality. This iteration is intended to be used as a tool. It clarifies district characteristics and values for users to incorporate into future projects and provides a criteria to evaluate projects to ensure they have purpose that adds value to the neighborhood. The plan’s overriding purpose is to enhance the livability, safety, vitality, inclusiveness and sustainability of the district through public realm improvements.
How to Use This Plan
People view public realm improvements through different lenses. We encourage you to review the new edition. It is intended as a guide to determine if potential projects meet our district’s goals and to help the public, city agencies, developers, and other project initiators better understand the YBCBD’s criteria for improving Yerba Buena’s public realm. If you have an idea to improve our neighborhood’s public spaces, please complete the form below.
Yerba Buena Street Life Plan 2019
Yerba Buena Street Life Plan 2011
Your Ideas for Public Realm Improvements